Brigadeiros and beijinhos are traditional Brazilian desserts. Like close relatives, they have a lot common, yet they are quite different!
So why not ENJOY it as much as you can!? And what can be more delightful than trying delicious Brazilian recipes?
Introducing: Brigadeiros and Beijinhos
Now, these are two World Cup recipes that are easier than any soccer game you’ve ever played: they only have 3 or 4 ingredients and you don’t need your oven or any baking. That means, yes: you’ll be drooling in no time, but you can eat them in no time too!

These cute little sweet balls are made with the same base: a tablespoon of butter and sweet condensed milk. They differ only on their really cool complimentary ingredients: cocoa powder and coconut (they sound the same huh?)!

You can serve these as small desserts after a meal or bring them to your World Cup viewing parties. I can assure you that even if your team loses these Brazilian treats can put a smile on your face before you can say GOAAAAL!

Oh and these are the traditional recipes but you can always mix it up and try to top them with different things: sprinkles, colored sugar, other nuts, etc.

Brigadeiros and Beijinhos
- 14 oz of sweetened condensed milk (1 can)
- 1 tbsp of butter
- 3 tbsps of cocoa powder
- 1 cup Pulverized/crushed pistachios (to decorate)
- 14 oz of sweetened condensed milk
- 1 tbsp of butter
- 1 cup of shredded coconut
- Whole cloves (to decorate)
- Melt one tablespoon of butter. Then add a can of sweetened condensed milk and stir over a low-medium temperature.
- Once the mix is thicker, add the cocoa powder. Mix well with a spat until you see the bottom of the pot.
- Spread the mix on a plate so that it cools faster. Then, put in the fridge for about 5 to 10 minutes.
- To make the beijinhos, start the same way you did with brigadeiros. First, melt the butter and then pour a can of sweetened condensed milk.
- Add the shredded coconut to the mix. Stir until it's more chunky and uniform.
- Transfer it to a buttered surface, spread it, and put it in the fridge.
- Butter your hands before you grab the mix. It will avoid brigadeiros from sticking on your palms.
- Shape each pinch into a ball. Repeat the process until you use it all.
- Coat the brigadeiros with crushed pistachios and put them into cupcake liners.
- When the beijinhos mix is ready, take it out of the fridge.
- Repeat the process, buttering your hands and shaping the beijinhos into balls.
- Coat the beijinhos with shredded coconut and put them into cupcake liners too. Finally, add a whole clove on top.
- Now, enjoy these traditional Brazilian desserts!
In the recipe video you’ll see me wearing the official soccer shirt of the Honduran team because YES: we classified for the third time in World Cup history!!! Whatever the outcome, I know that our team worked really hard to get here and that my people are celebrating so much back at home.
I am immensely proud of being Honduran!
Honduras in the World Cup 2014

If you liked this Brigadeiros and Beijinhos recipe, you might like some of my other sweet recipes too. You can check them here.
And remember, if you try this recipe and want to share your pictures, remember to tag me @lacooquette on Instagram. I’d love to share your pictures on my IG stories.
Note: We published this article originally on June 24, 2014. Brazil was hosting the Soccer World Cup and Honduras, my country, was competing for the third time in it.
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