This post will be a bit different than the usual recipe post. I’m going to tell you about my best recipe so far. I’m a food blogger and I’m allowed to use food puns, so let’s talk about a lovely “bun in the oven”. Yes: we’re having a baby!
¡Si hablas español, puedes ver el anuncio de mi embarazo al final de este video!
If you follow me on social media or have watched my Spanish YouTube videos, you might’ve guessed/found out that I’ve been happily married to my best friend (his name is Álvaro, though I usually call him Matías) for more than 2 years. And though we weren’t really expecting a baby, the day we found out I was pregnant will be listed at the top of our happiest days ever! It’s funny because at first I didn’t want to admit the symptoms were related to pregnancy, but Álvaro’s “sixth sense” kept insisting that my fatigue and bloating were probably due to something bigger than a regular period. And so I took a home pregnancy test and it was perfectly clear. I didn’t even have to wait for the 5 minute period for that strip to show our incredible life upgrade. A baby was on the way!
We’d been using natural family planning methods to put family expansion “on hold” because of our hectic lifestyle – we have been pursuing our personal projects (the La Cooquette videos!) for a year and a half, when we moved to Tijuana from LA, we travel very often and all that entrepreneurial jazz – yet suddenly, God had other plans! A month before we found out we realized it’s just nearly impossible to get the perfect moment in life to have a baby, sometimes you just have to trust what He has in store for you and all the little pieces needed for your puzzle will fall into place. And now, after 20 weeks I’m definitely seeing how things do come together!

Yes, these 5 months have been a blessing and have already taught me loads about self-giving love, humility, and patience. You see, I’m a very anxious/stressed-out person. I don’t really like to sleep that much because I feel like I miss out on the day and, being a planning freak, I’m always piling up tasks and tasks of projects to fill my days. But I’ve had to put stuff on hold, be honest with myself and learn how to say “no” to multitasking. Pregnancy symptoms, though luckily few (I’ve yet to throw up yay!), have definitely turned my days upside down. But in a good way! I have learned so much and also discovered it feels nice to let go once in a while! Above all, feeling the support from my family, my friends, and my La Cooquette fans has been heartwarming, and super encouraging. Imagining our life with a little one of our own to take care of is both scary and exciting, so we are very thankful for people’s love. Pregnancy and bringing life into this world can be daunting, but the example set by my family and some exemplary friends remind me that it is a joy and a miracle, I feel beyond blessed.
Yup, a baby is a whole new and exciting world, with new implications, new “tools” (what in the world are “latch bottles”?), new words (primigravitas? What does gravity have to do with anything?), and even new verbs (to swaddle or not to swaddle?). I will be sharing my journey on this blog because A) it will help me keep a record of all my first experiences (my memory sucks and this will definitely come in handy!) and B) I feel it can help me vent and relate with other moms-to-be. There are so many new questions going through my mind every day and as I try to answer them with the help of my incredible friends’ and family’s experience and research, I will also be sharing them here, so people who are dealing with the same things can hopefully benefit from my learnings/mistakes! If you are a mom or are pregnant, I’d appreciate any piece of advice you have too! And if you follow me on Instagram and Facebook, you’ll see me share everyday adventures and cravings (current obsession: tomatoes and McDonald’s Deluxe fries!) more often. Here’s to the second half of this pregnancy and all the adventure that’s to come! Here’s to a healthy and happy pregnancy!
(I have no idea how to pose with a belly, can you tell?)
Holaaaa quiciera saber si es niño o niña y depende de cual que nombre le pondrían saludossss
Congratulations!! I’m so happy for you guys 💓
Qué gusto saber que su familia crecerá y estoy segura de que Dios tiene muchas más bendiciones preparadas para ustedes.
¡Les envío un gran abrazo!
Muchas muchas felicidades!! Sin duda toda una bendición de Dios, es todo un gusto leer que lo crees así también tu. Yo tengo 38 semanas de embarazo y ya muero de ganas de conocer a mi bebé, como tú no estaba planeando tener un bebé y por cuestiones médicas parecía todo un reto pero como bien dices Dios tiene ya un plan.
Disfruta mucho tu embarazo, es de las estapas más preciosas, come muchas muchas muchas verduras te mantendrán saludable y con energía, cumple tus antojos pero ten cuidado con alimentos muy grasosos o condimentados ya que pueden causarte acidez.
Mis mejores deseos para ti, Álvaro y ese precioso bebé.