Can you believe my baby girl is already 3 months old? I have yet to write my first baby update but I’ve been meaning to share with you my list of newborn essentials, a list of the things that have saved my days these past weeks with Mini Cooquette. I share a bit of our everyday on Instagram Stories and I always get plenty of messages asking for suggestions on the products I use so I decided to put them all together.
This “Newborn Essentials” list is sort of what a “baby registry” or “baby must-haves” list would look like, though after having survived her first 12 weeks I can attest to the usability of certain things (I really didn’t need that baby wipes warmer after all).
Please keep in mind that although some of the newborn essentials listed out here might work for me, they may or may not work for you and your baby. This always depends on tastes, the personality of both the parents and the little one, and of course budget! Granted, my parents pitched in a TON for all her initial things so I do have more than enough of some items. The list also doesn’t include the baby nursery essentials (like furniture, diaper pail, etc.) because, you guessed it, that will be in another post.

So without further ado, here goes my Newborn Essentials list:
What I really REALLY need and use every day
- Baby wipes: I use Pampers Sensitive Wipes (psst: buy ‘em cheaper on Amazon!) almost every hour to clean on-the-go and around baby’s area, besides her cute little buttocks! I’ve also used Water Wipes, that are 99% water.
- LOADS of diapers: Buy them on Amazon, they’re cheaper in groups! But don’t go crazy buying too many packs just in case baby outgrows them. We use Pampers Swaddlers but have also tried Honest diapers and although cute, they’re a bit expensive for our budget.
- Diaper rash cream or Vaseline: I use both. I keep a bucket of Vaseline on my changing station and carry Mustela’s Diaper Rash Cream 1-2-3 on my diaper bag – this one’s magical. Baby has NEVER had a rash.
- Baby lotion: we’ve used Honest and Mustela so far. Mustela’s scent is AH-MA-ZING, but I need to apply more than once, otherwise Isa’s skin will get very dry. With Honest, one “coat” does the trick and her skin feels very hydrated! I’d recommend buying different “newborn test kits” of different brands to see which one works best for your baby, that’s how I picked ours!
- Baby shampoo and body wash: we use Honest and Mustela as well for this. So far, Isa’s greasy hair has reacted best with the Mustela brand (they have a foamy one great for cradle cap) but I try and switch it from time to time.
- Breast pump: I use Medela’s Freestyle electric pump (check out my “splurge” section below!) but a manual pump will do. The manual type is convenient when you’re on the go but can get very tiring at night.
- A few different baby bottles: I connect my pump to Medela’s bottles but I also have tried Munchkin’s Latch bottle and Isa loves it. Don’t buy many of one kind at once, since your baby might not like them all. Test with a few different brands first!
- Pacifier: Isa has an orthopedic one and she also used the Philips Avent Soothie Pacifier when she was 1 month old. She doesn’t stay with the pacifier too long though, only when she’s in the car or when she’s a bit cranky before going to sleep. She likes munching on her hands more!
- Socks: Isa owns a ton but a pair per day of the week can work too (in case you don’t want to do laundry that often!)
- Pajamas: Isa has about 8 sets of PJs (thanks Mom!), 3 furry ones and the rest cotton, all long-sleeved and a mix between button-up and zipper. The zipper kind are the easiest! I’m also trying to find short-sleeved ones for the warmer months.
- Burp cloths: always have two lying around the house, in the areas you’re with baby most. I think we own about 12.
- Bibs: now that Isabelita’s drooling a bit more, she’s always wearing a bib. I love the soft cotton ones like these.
- Washcloths: we have about 12. They’re useful for many things: drying her bottom after the wet wipes, bathing her, cleaning without bathing her etc.
- Baby onesies: I have a bunch of the short-sleeved ones and long-sleeved (at least 10 each, she might use two a day sometimes because of poop or spit outs), most from Carter’s (I love their cotton). I also have a few sleeveless ones we got from grandma on her trip to Panama.
- Clothes: we’re very blessed and have a closet (would you like a tour?) filled with clothes but you really just need one outfit per day of the week, and that’s only if you plan on taking your baby out often and (which we have!) avoid doing laundry every 2 days. Always remember to buy your baby’s size and also a size bigger, since they grow pretty fast indeed! Isa was using her 3-month old clothes when she was 2!
- Blankets: have at least 2 thick ones, 2-3 light ones, and the below:
- Swaddle blankets: we own the ones that are already geared for swaddling but any regular soft, thin blanket like this ones can do the trick. Swaddling is great to make them feel comfy like they were in the womb and to combat the startling reflex that wakes babies up, especially the first couple of months.
- Towel: Isa owns 6, but again, she’s a very spoiled granddaughter. One is enough!
- Bassinet: we have the Dockatot Deluxe and we used it most the first 12 weeks since she co-slept with us (we placed the Dockatot in between us on our Queen-sized bed). She still sleeps in it in her room because we’re using it to help her transition to her crib.
- Nursing pads: I used the ones from Lansinoh. Get plenty of these!
- Baby brush and comb
- Hand sanitizer: I really love Honest hand sanitizer spray.
- A lot of cotton swabs: for everything!
- Bathtub or bath insert: this flower cushioned insert by Blooming Bath makes bath time so much easier since we don’t have a bathtub in any of our bathrooms but I can add it to any of our sinks! It’s pretty and portable, great to take on road trips too.
- Natural surface cleaner: I use Seventh Generation Disinfecting Surface Cleaner
- Nursing bras: get at least one with wire for everyday use and at least one without wire for nighttime. I use the one that came with my Medela pump (more on that below!).
- Nightlight: very helpful, especially now that Isa’s sleeping in her own room (want a post on that? comment!).
- Plush toy or slinky: they help keep baby entertained once she starts grabbing things.
What I occasionally need
- Gripe water: great to combat gas and colic. Isa struggles sometimes with going potty and can get pretty cranky but this helps her sometimes. We use the one from Little Remedies.
- Soothing rub: we started using Zarbee’s Naturals Soothing Chest Rub after she turned 2 months, to help calm her down at night. Be mindful that many rubs/oils are only to be used after a certain age, always read the label!
- Diaper bag + on-the-go changer: I have Oh Joy!’s diaper bag which is stylish, not too big and very practical. It also comes with its changing pad. It works for now since we don’t carry many bottles, but I know I might have to get a bigger one in a few months.
- No rinse face cleansing water/wipes: this is optional, but I like that I can clean her hands or face on-the-go. I use Mustela No Rinse Cleansing Water and Johnson’s Hand and Face Wipes.
- Car seat + stroller: yes. You read right. Both in one. Dos en Uno. I swear by the Doona stroller a million times!!! It has been such an easy stroller to maneuver even while traveling solo with the baby (that’s for another post!). It’s lightweight and small, fits in our 2-door Beetle (yup!).
- Car seat cover: we have the ones
- Car seat mirror: it helps me a lot when I’m driving alone with her since I can see why she’s crying or try to put the pacifier back on red lights.
- Baby carrier: although we own both the wrap type, Isa has used Ergobaby’s Omni 360 since her first month and she loves it. She falls asleep easily in it and it’s great to do chores around the house!
- Sterilizer: I own a microwavable one from Munchkin.
- Teethers: yup. At 3 months old Isa has started to drool like crazy and munch on anything (some kids are early teethers!) so we got her a few different ones to keep her entertained.
- Hats, mittens: a pair will do, but if you live in a cold place
- Disinfecting wipes + sanitizer: I use Medela’s wipes + Quick Clean Breast Pump & Accessory Sanitizer – great when you are outdoors or on-the-go and don’t have where to sterilize toys or breast pump things. Remember: hand sanitizer is only designed to work on skin, so there’s no use of spraying it or using it on other surfaces.
- Baby nail clippers (found this great one that has a light which makes it easier to cut her tiny fingernails!) + booger sucker
- Digital thermometer: we own 3, 2 that are connected to the phone and a regular one.
- Sunscreen: little one’s skin has to be very protected and Isa has very light-tone skin so I worry even more. I’ve used Aveeno Baby’s Continuous Protection Sunscreen (SPF 50) and it works wonders, especially with Isa’s sensitive skin.
- Baby shoes: they’re more a nice addition to please the grownups in their outfit-matching efforts, but in the colder days, they help add a layer of protection to her feet. A pair will do (but we have +20… thanks Grandma!)
- Nipple cream/balm and special products for breastfeeding problems: I had a bit of a hard time breastfeeding the first 8 weeks or so because I have Raynaud’s. I used the Honest Organic Nipple Balm to help scar and Medela SoftShells to protect from contact. I also used the Medela Nipple Shield a few times in the first couple of weeks when baby was still adjusting to the latch (ouch!).
Things I use but can live without
- Sound machine or mobile for the crib: Isa is starting to use it more now since it helps soothe her just before I put her down in her crib. It turns off automatically.
- Baby swing: we have Fisher Price Cradle N’ Swing, in the My Little Lamb version (they have tons of cute animal choices!). I spent a few hours researching the best swing online and this one came, it’s pretty simple, has a couple of different sound options, light, 2 different motions, and most importantly: Isa loves it! She can’t stay in there for more than 30-40 mins. though.
- Activity gym: my parents got her this simple lightweight one:
- Traveling bassinet: I will tell you more about the one we have, the Swaddleme By Your Side Sleeper on a traveling post soon!
- Nursing pillow: I don’t really use it much, but it can provide support when your baby starts weighing a bit more. I use Ergobaby’s.
- Double electric pump + hands-free bustier: I use the Medela Freestyle. It is pricey but, especially in the first couple of months when you are exhausted, it is such a bliss to just turn it on and let it go instead of manually pumping We thought of it as an investment, especially considering the fact that breastfeeding is free and we’re not spending money on formula!
- Wireless baby monitor + camera: a lovely family friend gave us the AT&T Smart Sync monitor. It’s worked well so far, and it’s great to have both a standalone monitor and to be able to watch your baby on your phone, but we suffer interference sometimes because our wifi is pretty bad.
- Humidifier/diffuser: we don’t own one but I heard it’s really great to soothe babies and help them sleep, especially in dry places!
And that was it! Do you think I missed anything? What are the things that you use the most as a new mom or have used with your children? Let me know in the comments!
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