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A couple of arroz con leche paletas

Arroz con leche (rice pudding) paletas

Arroz con leche paletas are THE summer treat you need to try! An easy recipe for a cool, traditional and fun dessert that kids and adults will love.
Tiempo de preparación 20 minutos
Cool time 3 horas
Tiempo total 3 horas
Plato Dessert
Cocina Latino
Raciones 8 popsicles
Calorías 194 kcal


  • Popsicle mold


To decorate

Elaboración paso a paso

Traditional arroz con leche

  • Put water to boil at high heat along with a cinnamon stick. Once the water boils, remove the cinnamon stick and add the rice with the whole milk for a creamier base.
  • Low the heat without moving the rice and add a bit of peel of lime for a special touch. Then, let it cook until the rice is almost done when there is still some milk on top. When it reaches this point, add the evaporated and the condensed milk.
  • Once you mix everything thoroughly, carve the creamy inside half of a vanilla bean and add it to the mix. Mix very well and add half of a vanilla bean.
  • Move the mixture with a spat, so all the ingredients are well incorporated.

Transforming into popsicles

  • Mix the arroz con leche with the diluted condensed milk in the whole milk and mix.
  • Fill the popsicle molds with the mix and cover them carefully.
  • Place the popsicle molds in the freezer for 3 hours.
  • Once they're ready, you can decorate them with condensed milk and shredded and toasted coconut. It'll add a tropical, delicious touch!



Keyword arroz con leche, Paletas, Popsicles, rice pudding